Corale Quadriclavio

Passion for music, important executions, joy for singing together since 30 years

Upcoming events

Choral music in all its shapes

Sacred Music

  • Bach: Mass in B minor, Magnificat, Cantatas and Corales
  • Vivaldi: Gloria
  • Mozart: Coronation Mass, Requiem
  • Handel: Hallelujah
  • Rossini: Stabat Mater, Petite Messe Solennelle
  • Verdi: Requiem

Symphonic Music

  • La grande Nona Sinfonia di Beethoven, nelle cornici uniche del Teatro Duse di Bologna e di Santa Croce a Firenze

A Cappella

  • A repertoire without musical instruments, for intimate and meditative concerts: Palestrina, Bach, Mozart, Rossini

Best of Opera

  • Major Italian operas: Traviata, Cavalleria Rusticana, Elisir D’Amore, with great singers

With Orchestras and Bands

  • Several collaborations with important orchestras and bands, such as: Orchestra Bruno Maderna, Orchestra Città di Ferrara, La Corelli, Banda Musicale di Imola

Modern Sounding

  • Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana"
  • Paul McCartney's "Ecce Cor Meum"
  • Morricone: movie soundtracks

“Chi ha il cuore contento sempre canta.

Giovanni Verga